Heidi Leighton's Current Reads

Subscribe to My Reading Life.

I'm wondering whether she is going to mention the Red Room. My memory of that chapter is extremely abstract!

Subscribe to Closed Mouth.

Lana Del Rey - Cherry Blossom

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

Heidi lost her grandfather and Elizabeth lost her grandmother. I remember my grandfather died around the time I married my daughter's mother. The wedding was absurdly grand and busy and I didn't have any time to really think about it, but as we were driving away down the road with confetti and streamers all over the car it suddenly hit me and I was driving, ... I had to stop because I just broke down in floods of tears.

Lana Del Rey - Honeymoon

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

This must be the Book Covers Album:

Subscribe to Deep Sandwich Party.

Hopefully my horse is going to throw me:

America - A Horse With No Name

Subscribe to America.

Well, it beats walking across the Bering Straits these days! See Evidence of An Ancient Civilization in The Mojave Desert over 150,000 Years Earlier Than The Bering Land Bridge.

Hania Rani - F Major

Subscribe to Gondwana. For the opinions of men ... See Hania Rani - Glass and F Major.

Phillip Glass And Ravi Shankar - Meetings along The Edge

Subscribe to Philip Glass.


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