Ian Grant's Weather Report

Today I was thinking of the song Smarty, by Lana Del Rey a.k.a. Lizzy Grant

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See Tracts for the Times/Tract 63: THE ANTIQUITY OF THE EXISTING LITURGIES.:

I. It appears from Mr. Palmer's valuable work, that all the ancient Liturgies now existing, or which can be proved ever to have existed, resemble one another in the following points:—

(1.) All of them direct, that previous to communion, those who intend to communicate shall exchange "the kiss of peace."

(2.) In all of them, the more particularly solemn part of the service commences with words exactly answering to the English, "Lift up your hearts," &c. as far as "Holy Father, almighty everlasting God."

(3.) All contain the Hymn, "Therefore with Angels and Archangels," &c. with very trifling varieties of expression.

(4.) Also, they all contain a Prayer, answering in substance to ours "for the whole state of Christ's Church militant:"

(5.) And likewise another Prayer (which has been excluded from the English Ritual) "for the rest and peace of all those who have departed this life in God's faith and fear," concluding with a Prayer for communion with them.

(6.) Also a commemoration of our Lord's words and actions in the institution of the Eucharist, which is the same, almost word for word, in every Liturgy, but is not taken from any of the four Scripture accounts.

(7.) A sacrificial oblation of the Eucharistic bread and wine.

(8.) A prayer of consecration, that God will "make the bread and wine the Body and Blood of Christ."

​(9.) Directions to the Priest for breaking the consecrated bread.

(10.) The Lord's Prayer.

(11.) Communion.

See On Communication in Linear Time And Hypertext And The Gospel of Sophia for more on the Fractal Faith, and French Fries etc.


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