Anton Petrov on That Martian Meteorite Micrograph

Imagine the sort of jewellery you could create with serpentinization! See 8:51.

See this article in Science: Organic synthesis associated with serpentinization and carbonation on early Mars. See also these two related videos mentioned by Anton:

Watching that video, you get quite a good impression of the evolution of data I describe here: Imagining Future Landscapes. The origin of Valles Marineris is intriguing: 7:33. Makes me want to fill it with blue epoxy and sand it down and polish it! See David Lynch's Weather Report.

8:18 I wonder what sort of biomorphic structure psilocybin spores could produce? See Terence McKenna Being A Complete Space Cadet for Eight Relentless Minutes.

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See Eva zu Beck in Antarctica and Ian Grant's Weather Report.


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