Ashton Birdie is Ashton Whitty

See my comment:

The way we respond to things that happen depends upon our situation. That's the vital context that gives our actions meaning and without which they are nonsense. What changes is not the person, but their situation, and therefore the way they respond to what happens around them. If our situation changes then our responses may seem better to people in similar situations, but they will not necessarily seem better to those in other situations. Social media systems can't handle these changes in context very well and tend to present some abstract personality because they are based on a very superficial representation of who a person is in real life. Shallow media can only represent shallow people well. You're not shallow, and I suspect you're being misrepresented because of that. I'd love to see more from you. ❤️ Don't be shy, you cannot possibly do any worse than me! 😂

See Sadhguru on How to Deal With A Toxic Personality (And how to Get A Job in Hell!)

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