Chrissie Mayr's UnsympCast

I missed this! It's about Lena Dunham and this Hollywood Reporter piece: Lena Dunham on Her First Film in a Decade, Youthful Blind Spots and Hope to Reboot ‘Girls’

I actually think she's beautiful, and I'm not just saying that. This a beautiful photograph, and it makes me sad, like the photos Bella Hadid posted on her Instagram:

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I know what this is about. See Today's Number Is ... enero 25, 2022:

Except there's nothing grotesque about that image of Lena Dunham. After I saw this photo a few weeks ago it ocurred to me that if I ever get to publish what I wrote under the pseudonym Alice Pascoe then I could ask Lena Dunham and the photographer if they would allow me to use that photo as the author picture on the back cover.


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