Lavrov on OSCE Withdrawal From Donbas

He raises concern that there may be a repeat of the situation in Kosovo in 1999. Lavrov says that a subsequent European Union investigation established beyond doubt that the bodies were those of armed Kosovo Liberation Army combatants, not civilians. See Račak massacre. I presume by "EU investigation", Lavrov means the Finnish team led by Helena Ranta. According to the Wikipedia page "The full report of the EU team was handed over to the ICTY at the end of June 2000. An executive summary was published in 2001, but the full report has never been released publicly." As to the circumstances of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission's withdrawal, the page mentions only that William Walker was declared persona non grata by the Yugoslav government and demanded that he leave the territory of Yugoslavia within 48 hours. It gives no date and no citation of the source.

The relevance of this is that US Secretary of State Blinken has stated in the UN today that they believe that Russia will stage a false flag in the next few days as a Pretext to invade Ukraine. See US Press Secretary Claims Russian Government is Planning To Carry Out A False Flag Operation As a Pretext for Invading Ukraine.

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A lot of weird shit happened on my phone when I searched for "OSCE 1999 Serbia" on Google.


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