Psaki Asked in April 2014 About The Coincidence of Brennan's And Biden's Visits to Ukraine And sending of Ukrainian Troops to Donbass

See Psaki on The Phone Conversation That Was Recorded Eight Years Ago and Tulsi Gabbard on John Brennan et al. Then see Chris Hedges on Daniel Hale Sentencing.

Lavrov's "ludicrous claims" were reported in the NYT on April 23, 2014. See Russia Warns Ukraine of Potential Military Response:

Mr. Lavrov repeated his accusation that Washington was coordinating events in Ukraine, citing the visit by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Kiev, the capital, earlier this week.

“There is no reason not to believe that the Americans are running the show,” Mr. Lavrov said. The announcement of the resumption of the military campaign came on the heels of Mr. Biden’s visit, the foreign minister said, just as the first call by leaders in Kiev for such a campaign came after a visit by John O. Brennan, the director of the C.I.A.

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