Brian Douglas on Control Systems Engineering

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Getting women interested in engineering is easy! Helping them develop certain skills necessary to pass university level engineering courses is not so easy, but, it has been done:

Getting women interested in control systems engineering is also easy:

Subscribe to MakeNoise.

Getting women interested in designing digital analogical systems ought to be easy too: see Fran Blanche on E-Bay Tyrants --- when you get bored of making and selling effects pedals, ... and you want to get good sound out of plugins for effects that you can describe precisely in some language, ... See I Missed Emily's Livestream!

All we need now is to find some women interested in learning to use Standard ML to describe these systems: Programming Channel Processes.

Why do we need women interested in this? Because we don't want them working in textile factories VPRO Documentary - Regreening the Planet and we don't want WWIII, so we need to use control system engineering to design a global economy, which is something we've never had before!


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