Brittany and Chrissie on Their Way To Infowars, ...

She just described my day! ❤️😂 "I'm not from here, I don't know where the f***k to go, the directions are extremely unclear, ... "

That's communications for you! See The Name of the Game which is almost three years old, ... "Six lanes of traffic, three lanes moving slow, ... and a lot of crossed wires"!

The first song, I think, was Sirius - extended (pun intended). Here's the 2017 disco demolition remix of that:

The Alan Parson's Project - Sirius

... which is a prelude to this:

Subscribe to Alan Parsons Project.

See Mercadito Solecito and La Tostadota Suc Revolución. It wasn't the directions I had a problem with, it was the dead soldier on guard outside the front door! That is not how I expected good food to be presented!

The key phrase in negotiating with me is non transactional! See Brittany Venti on True Simp.

Here are some more flowers B&C, you're both terrific infowarriors!

Wouldn't a flower seller be a better person to put on guard duty outside a classy seafood restaurant?

See the video description for more, ... See also The Art Assignment: Art + Taxes = The Dirty Truth:

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