Fran Blanche - Comix! And Film


The Francast. She's talking about growing up with film. I grew up with film too, but we didn't have a projector of our own. My mother used to come and get me out of school at lunchtime to watch things like Jacob Bronowski's The Ascent of Man at a film club in Port Elizabeth. In contrast I made my daughter watch anime in Japanese and other things like Kill Bill. That's progress for you!

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The Ascent of Man Volume 1: Lower Than The Angels (1973)

Subscribe to Kimdino1.

Hearing Fran describing the film made me want to see it. This is the first clip I ran into. I don't know whether this the film she refers to, but I thought the commentary interesting, to say the least! Is this what Kennedy meant when he said "... and do the other thing"?

Apollo 11 - PBS Chasing The Moon (1969)

Subscribe to Flowrave.

This clearly is what she's talking about:

Now compared that tracked vehicle with the state of the art in 1940's:

The Ascent of Man Volume 3 - The Grain in The Stone

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