Rob Braxman on Phone Hardware

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This was an argument used in 2014: "So what if the tool chain is subverted. Even if you fix that then you can't fix the extra hardware vulnerabilities like remote administration via System Management Console etc." But these things don't exist on all hardware (see e.g. Sci-Fi Long - Iris Recognition) so you can still have a trusted computing base. But expecting to fix the problem of hardware-level hacking first, without changing the whole way the industry works is hopeless. Fix the problem you know how to fix and that will enable you to change the industry because big tech will not have the stranglehold it currently has, liaising with hardware manufacturers and blocking independent developers. The point of my proposed solution is to free the software developers from ties to any particular hardware, and that frees them of ties to compromised hardware too.

See Security: Rob Braxman Doesn't Get It and Brittany Venti - Knowing What People Will At Your Funeral.


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