Sadhguru and Karel Janecek in Prague

Live now, but my internet connection cannot sustain a livestream ...

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The discussion about mathematics and yoga didn't quite get off the ground. When Karel Janeček raised the question of quantifying biodiversity I thought of Roderick Dewar, because some of the he work he did on non-equilibrium thermodynamics and maximum entropy modeling (see Entropy production selects nonequilibrium states in multistable systems) is very relevant to the problem of how exactly we define what it means to say that soil has a minimum 3% of organic content. We really need to be very clear about what this means in metrological terms before Sadhguru goes to COP15. But when I searched YouTube for lectures by Dewar the one that came up at the top was this, which just happens to be on biodiversity:

See Hilary Putnam on Philosophy And our Mental LifeAction Lab - Things That Fall Up and Jade on Time and Information.

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Just heard Sadhguru sitting in an auditorium in Prague and asking what is the currency in the Czech Republic. That is the kind of world I would like to live in! One where you can go somewhere without knowing in advance what are the peculiarly strange beliefs of the people who live there. If we don't have something like that in operation then discussions at inter-governmental levels about minimum organic content of soil are going to become like discussions of who has more air after their soap bubbles have popped.


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