The False Flag Farce Continues

Victoria Nuland talking about US Bio Weapons black sites falling into the hands of those Russians. She's put on weight. Looks like she ate all the cookies herself!

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In other news:

This is purportedly a group of Syrian extremists on their way to Ukraine, ...

A Syrian businessman Tariq Al-Jasem declared that he formed a faction to fight against Russian Forces.

It was stated that the Al-Jasem is originally from Aleppo, Syria. 

At least one member of the faction appears to be carrying a Type 3 AKS-47 rifle.

Subscribe to Vanessa Beely.

See Dilyiana Gaytandzhieva Investigating Illegal US Military Weapons Shipments to Yemen and Syria and Vanessa Beely Talking to Eva Bartlett About Donbass and Ukraine.

And there is a hearing on the MH17 "crash"

The MH17 trial continues at the Schiphol Judicial Complex (JCS) in Badhoevedorp on Wednesday, March 9.

The court is set to hear closing arguments from the defence.

On July 17 2014, flight M17 crashed in Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. The flight was on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. International arrest warrants were issued for three Russians and a Ukrainian suspect accused of involvement in the downing of the plane and the murder of all the people on board.

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See Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash Investigation Was a Sham:

Subscribe to RT for more Russian propaganda.

See also Completely Prejudiced! Dutch Investigation Into MH17 Won’t Even LOOK at Russian Data!

"The unfounded accusations aimed at discrediting Russia in the eyes of the international community. This is how the Russian Foreign Ministry commented tonight on the statement by the JIT which investigates the crash of the Malaysian Boeing over Ukraine in the summer of 2014. The team released the names of the suspects in the attack on the plane, including three Russians, but didn't present any strong evidence of their guilt. However, the methods of the team's work were secretive and raised questions from the very beginning. Thus, they decided to get Malaysia engaged in the investigation a few months after it had begun. Russia wasn't engaged at all despite the fact that Moscow has repeatedly shared information."

See also this report about the use of Novichok in the Salisbury poisoning of the Skripals, and about a covert US "4th generation bio-weapons" research program:

Subscribe to Dilyiana Gaytandzhieva.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova on US Bio-Weapons black sites:

Subscribe to RT.

Biden's CIA Director "It's all about Putin!" Is this some perverted homo-erotic obsession these men have about him?

Subscribe to C-SPAN.


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