Vanessa Beeley Talking With Isa Blumi on Yemen

1:04:52 Evidence that US PMCs or US Military Special Forces are on the ground in Yemen.

See Blumi's book Destroying Yemen: What Chaos in Arabia Tells Us about the World and Speaking above Yemenis: a reading beyond the tyranny of experts:

On Nathalie Peutz, Islands of Heritage: Conservation and Transformation in Yemen (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2018):

Dr. Peutz’s monograph is a rich ethnography of how the inhabitants of the Indian Ocean island of Soqotra (commonly read as Socotra), a UNESCO natural (but not cultural) World Heritage Site, have navigated a rapidly changing relationship with both the rest of (mainland) Yemen and the larger world. Highlighted throughout this well-crafted account of how invasive the larger world has proven to be in Socotra, the story of the island is equally one of many other Yemenis’ experiences with the changes brought since unification in 1990. The most aggressive forces of change prove to be the Saleh dominated government that emerges since the unification of the Yemen in 1990. Corresponding with the end of the Cold War, Yemen’s state and its ministries were compelled to invest coercive power into integrating Socotra into both a national sphere of regulatory authority and then, by extension, pushing the island, its nature, and its people into the global economy.

Subscribe to Vanessa Beeley.

That interview gives a very interesting background to this Al Jazeera English documentary:

Yemen - Pulling The Strings

See also these three covering earlier periods in Yemen's recent history:

Yemen: The North/South Divide

Britain's First Yemenis

The Last Lunch

Subscribe to Al Jazeera English.

Hunt Oil in The Yemen Arab Republic (1987)

Subscribe to Albert Steeman.

Yamma Ensemble - Yemenite Jewish Music (400 years old)

Subscribe to Yamma Ensemble.


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