Dan Gryder on Trent Palmer, Brittney Infanger and Airborne Animal Rescue

See Juan Browne With More On The Cessna Caravan Crash at Burley, Idaho.

The animal rescue is to airlift dogs out of disaster areas, because otherwise they have to be killed en masse.

From the video description:

I have used the Douglas DC-3 in the past for hurricane animal rescue.  I'd like to work on using it again, and having it ready to be used when needed.  I only have one general fund set up for helping to defray costs in producing these videos, and getting dog rescue flights set up.  Eventually I would love to combine DC-3 dog rescue flight along with YouTube videos of the trip.  I've got a long way to go but it is a start.

To date, I have never accepted any money for making YouTube content.  The truth is that I truly enjoy making these videos AND doing animal work at the same time.  But boy it has become crazy time consuming!

Help me with costs if you can, and if not - it is totally cool.  If I produce a video that you learned from and it helped you, then consider a very small donation to the effort that won't hurt you in any way.  If you like the Dog Rescue idea you can help be a part of that if you want.

I am working on getting a web site set up (www.AirborneAnimalRescue.org) that will give more information on that soon.

I have four secure accounts set up that all go directly to Airborne Animal rescue, but the truth is that I am going to use the financial help for both causes as needed, more aviation accident videos, and animal rescue flights.  If you do decide to help, please keep your donation very small and only if you learned from what I produced, and it helped you.    

              Thank you! - Dan

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Trent Palmer's Latest. See Another Flying Lesson. [Wow! The FAA really don't come out of this smelling like strawberries! And they've dragged it out over two years so far, ...]

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