Lana Del Rey Talking About Diet Mountain Dew

My comment:

I think she just makes up stuff when she doesn't want to answer questions about her songs. That's much better than saying "I don't want to say" because then people go nuts making up stuff themselves. David Lynch tries to get people to discuss it amongst their friends and learn something about each other in the process. So I'll start and say the way she sings it, it sounds like "Diamond dew" or "Diamond due", and because she follows it with "New York City. Never was a girl so pretty" makes me think of Breakfast at Tiffany's. But I've never seen the whole film, just the introduction and the ending! But I think she likes playing with ambiguity like that. I used to too. But I had friends in England who just flat out told me "no, that's wrong" as if there was some law against doing it, ... But I don't think there's a right or wrong in poetry, which is what song lyrics are.

Here's the full interview:

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Lana Del Rey - Diet Mountain Dew

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So search Google and YouTube and 🦆🦆 and whatnot for diamonds and De Beers and whatnot and take it wherever you want. I like this: Sting - The Shape of My Heart:

Pink Floyd - Welcome to The Machine

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Maybe that's why Lana Del Rey doesn't get onto the red carpets in Hollywood so often ... See Eva Bartlett Talking Reality Theories With Airika Dollner and listen to

Lana Del Rey - Fucked My Way Up to The Top

... that title is also ambiguous. As is this, though in this case it's phonetic:

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans

Blue blood is an English expression referring to royalty, and blue rinse is an English expression used to refer to a hairstyle once popular with elderly Conservative women. It goes on and on, but you get the idea, ...

Here's more evidence, if you need it: in Spanish a 'c' at the start of a word like ceja is pronounced as a soft 'c' like in the English word cellar. But in Italian it could be a 'ch' sound like ciabatta. Hence this could be Saturday, Chatterday or Caturday.

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So this makes art hard to censor, because nobody knows what the hell anybody really means. And New York City starts to look like a coal face:

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The Black Diamond Express - Draw The Lightning

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