Sci-Fi Short - NEUROSI5: Momento

The most successful business in Human History did not have a very auspicious beginning, ... See Stewart Hicks at the Scweikher House.

But I don't think that was our fault! What a brilliant little film.

Subscribe to Dust.

Simone de Beauvoir on Existentialism and God (1959)

Note that she said "Jesus petit" not "Jesus".

I wrote a schizophrenic rant about the problem of proving non-existence in February 2015 (starts at around he top of page 22) see Process Synchronisation by Communication:

Writing that "dialog" must count as one of the happiest few hours of my life. I spent many, many days on the first half and then suddenly She turned up and everything started working! Incidentally, Joan Lindsay was born eight months after Charles Dodgson published that article on Resident Women-Students and "New Oxford". See Book Buha.

Subscribe to Philosophy Overdose.

See also Dr. Todd Grande on Parenting Styles And Narcissistic Mother-Daughter Relationships, in particular the stalk of Terence McKenna:

The Alchemical Child At The End of Time

Subscribe to We Plants Are Happy Plants.


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