CBS8 San Diego Archive Footage Richard L. Baum of Brooklyn

I wonder whether he is any relation of my friend Danielle Baum who lived in NYC last time I heard from her on Facebook in 2018? I met her and her uncle Luc Gaudet in the Pyrenees in 2005.

From New York Times article April 16, 1967
A 16-year-old high school boy in Brooklyn, Richard L. Baum, has won a national competition in computer programing with a space-age treatise of such complexity that the judging panel-- made up of six computer experts --found it "a little beyond the range of everybody we had.

June 27, 1967
A 16-year-old youth one day out of high school turned the tables and lectured the experts today. He’s Richard Baum of Brooklyn who, for several years, has been absorbing computer theory the way a sponge soaks up water. All last year, Richard went to school at 5:30 am to use a computer in the basement…proving, by the way, that it is possible to soft land a spacecraft manually on the moon. Dr. Nicholas Begovich, Vice President of Hughes Aircraft Company told a computer workshop today how Richard’s understanding of computer theory had awed the experts. Dr. Begovich presented Richard with a $500 check…and the Hughes Youth Incentive Award for his achievements. He went on to tell of another paper this one on lunar rendezvous problems which was so advanced an astrophysicist had to be called in to explain it to computer experts who were judging it. Richard will spend the summer working at Goddard Space Center in New York. He’s going to Cornell University in the fall.

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