Max Blumenthal's Wrapping-up Of the Talk He And Aaron Maté had With Ray McGovern

Ends with a clip of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's speech on violence, just before he was assassinated.

I guess Newsom is at Davos too, ... CBS8 Report on CA Gun Laws and Dianna Cowern at WEF in Davos 2020Rose McGowan on Jennifer Siebel-Newsom and Dianna Cowern Married A Dude!

Here's the full stream:

See Max Bumenthal, Aaron Maté and Ray McGovern on Intel-Gate.

Subscribe to The Grayzone.

Don't worry about me, I'm safely in the hands of some sort of flash mob cult thing I apparently started, ... See Lana Del Rey on Born To Die and Unplanned Parenthood.


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