David Lynch's Weather Report

Today he's working with wood and glue, ... When he worked with cotton and glue a couple of years ago the results were pretty amazing, ... Maybe he's going to be able to woods into wood this time, ... See Using Laminated Wood in Rammed Earth Construction and Stewart Hicks at the Scweikher House. Which makes me think of my crazy psychedelic mission in April 2011 to Corioco when I was looking for Obama, because the name sounds like Baum, ... I found this black man called Iwe in the plaza who said his dead soldier friend had told him to go there in forty years' time and they would be reunited, ... Then I showed up two weeks late, ostensively on my way to a Shakira gig in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, but I was a week late, ... then we travelled together to La Paz and Oruro where I abandoned him and went to Cochabamba, ... The idea had been to meet there and go on to Santa Cruz together, ... But then I got another dose of something from a guy in the terminal de buses, ... And that's where the whole idea of Guerilla Logic kicked off, ... David Lynch shares his surname with Che Guevara's mother, or father, I forget which ... See David Lynch on Dream Logic.

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