Ian Grant's Weather Report

See Spectral Graph Theory.

Richard Gibbens: Tools for Big Data 

At 16:00 minutes you have the answer: education causes wage inflation! See my comment on David Lynch's Weather Report today.

Get the book An Introduction to Statistical Learning and see The R Project for Statistical Computing.

Subscribe to Alan Turing Institute UK.

The only course that comes up on a Google search is 2001/2 and this is not what was taught at Cambridge from 2004 or so: see https://www.google.com/search?q=richard+gibbens+continuous+mathematics+site:www.cl.cam.ac.uk

John Conway supervised Richard when the latter was an undergraduate at Cambridge.

Conway's book, based on his 1966 lectures was actually published in 1971: Regular Algebra and Finite Machines

David Brailsford (Nottingham) explains regular expressions and finite automata (and Yoda parsing!). This is interesting because he mentions Rabin and Scott and the subset/powerset construction in connection with non-deterministic automata and regular languages, and Ken Thompson's programming approach which I had never even heard of (but I did mention something a bit like this in my 2014 "communications" on the GNU guile-devel list.) See Programming Channel Processes marzo 08, 2022 and the keystone of Milner's 1997 definition of the Standard ML Semantics in Eng-Fi Short - The Doddleston Messages.

An interesting programmers take on regular expressions by Damian Conway

Tom Waits - The Long Way Home

Subscribe to Tom Waits.

Pink Floyd - Keep Talking

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