Yoko Ono - Eye Blink (1966)

Yoko Ono - Eye blink / Interferência por Rafaela Silveira

I can't find the original on YouTube, for some reason.

Subscribe to Flavia Coehlo.

In the early sixties Ono was part of what became known as Fluxus, an art movement with roots in Dada, in Marcel Duchamp and John Cage, and energised by George Maciunas. The Fluxus artists were dedicated to challenging conventional definitions in the fine arts, and conventional relationships between artwork and viewer.

Allen Bukoff - What is Fluxus?

Subscribe to Kallie Snyder.

See David Lynch's Weather Report on Yoko’s Fluxfilm no. 14: One (a.k.a. Match) 1966

From this Rolling Stone piece by Jonathan Cott: Yoko Ono and Her Sixteen-Track Voice:

"I was lighting matches, afraid of becoming a pyromaniac. But then I thought that there might be some people who needed something more than painting, poetry, and music, something I called an ‘additional act’ that you needed in life. And I was doing all that just to prevent myself from going mad, really.”

See this YouTube playlist: Documentary: The Real Yoko Ono.

Yoko Ono on Jonathan Ross' show on May 11, 2013 she does an art installation (10:02) live.

Anonhi & Yoko - I Love You Earth

Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band - Bad Dancer

"I think it's better to dance rather than to march through life
love yoko"

Subscribe to Yoko Ono.


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