Dr. Becky on Extra-Terrestrial Potatoes

See Natasha and Alina on Real Russian Fast FoodSci-Fi Short - Floreana and Lori on Extraterrestrial Life.

Subscribe to Dr. Becky.

Fred Hoyle The Emergence of Life and of Intelligence (UC Berkeley, 1974)

In particular, listen to Hoyle talking about temperature and evolution and here, about Project Cyclops. See also Square Kilometer Array:

As of 2018, the SKA was a global project with eleven member countries that had the objective to answer fundamental questions about the origin and evolution of the Universe.

Then listen to Hoyle on competition, intelligence and aggressiveness at 47:42 and the political problems it creates. See Ian Grant's Weather Report agosto 07, 2022.

Subscribe to Peter Marthin (he hath a lithp!)


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