Lana Del Rey Changing My Life Again, ...


❤️💕 Duke is Jennifer Nicholson's son, and she's Jack Nicholson's daughter, ... She's also a fashion designer: Jennifer Nicholson - New York Fashion Designer:

"I always traveled with my father (Jack Nicholson) on location, so when we wound up in London on the set of The Shining (1980), I had to make do to with local style - which was rather bland - so I just gave my things a new twist and I did just fine." (As a child and teen.)

I've always loved the notion of the upscale beach vibe. I was a surfer chick with style and always loved to mix and match special pieces to design my own look.

Subscribe to MovieClips.

Fuck it I love you & the greatest:

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

See Mexican Control Systems Supremacy and Anti-Tempest Software and Pulp Fiction. East Coast vibes again, ... ❤️

This is post number 8,665 on this blog, ... [Actually, it was 8664 as published because this one from a few days ago was hidden, ... It's a bug in Blogger. See Slow Morning Reading The News With Chrissie Mayr]

And Google gboard is asking me why my voice isn't nasal anymore. I don't know. Clever filters? I do like the new levels of auto-focus-pulling on my camera though. See Ian Grant's Weather Report 8/28/22.


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