Gigi Young's Mars Mysteries 13 TechnOccult

Talking about Andreij Puharich and MK Ultra. This is right at the other end of the spectrum from Greek notions of human reason! See Gigi Young - Simulation Theory (Spiritual Hierarchies vs. God As A Computer).

My comment:

26:50 On Puharich's tech-beings: Terrence McKenna often talked about the kind of intelligence that psilocybin mushrooms embody. He said it is a kind of machine intelligence. He calls them self-transforming machine elves. So it sounds to me like psilocybin is the source of those ideas of Puharich. Does he mention the drugs, I wonder? [31:13 the answer is yes!] Terrence McKenna's philosophy was much more grounded in Nature than technology. See for example this talk from 90s

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