Brittany Burns Herself Cooking

Half Life Microwave movie clip:

See JJ Abrams Reportedly Working on Half-Life Film (Oct 13, 2021) and Brittany Venti - Bimbo Cooks Kimchi Ramen.

Subscribe to Brittany Venti.

Half Life is a Valve Software game. Jeri Ellsworth used to work at Valve, ...

Subscribe to Tyler McVicker.

Tilt Five are busy:

Unity on Tilt Five hardware:

See Freya Holmér on Continuity of Splines for an example of the sort of visualizations you can make using Unity. But good grief, what a lot of work to make a wand do something!

See Alan Kay - The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet, in particular the bit at 21:25 "... HTML is the worst idea in computing since MS-DOS".

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