Dan Cohen's Investigation into Dr. Peter Hotez

See Jimmy Dore Surveying All The Different Reasons You Might Have a Heart AttackDan Cohen on Jimmy Dore Show - Talking About Bill Gates' "Waterboy" Peter Hotez and WATCH Dan Cohen's SHOCKING Investigation into Fauci Underling Peter Hotez and also a post I made ages ago about another of Bill Gates' "philanthropic" gestures: David Roodman On Why Microfinance Doesn't Reduce Poverty.

Part I: Includes, amongst much else, at 8:54 a story about how Obama sent three thousand US troops into Liberia and that enabled them to use the country as a laboratory, like the one in Haiti, for testing "new interventions" and vaccine initiatives with drugs hitherto untested on human beings "scary experimental treatment".

Part II:

15:38 On his "people's vaccine for the world", ... good for vaccinating "the southern hemisphere".

Dan's investigation was partly funded by the Vaccine Safety Research Network: https://www.vacsafety.org/ and https://rumble.com/c/VaccineSafetyResearchFoundation.

And rather ominously: "There will be more to come on Hotez that was beyond the scope of these investigations." See Russell Brand Interviewing Whitney Webb on Jeffrey Epstein and His Business Partners for more on Gates Foundation science advisors.

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