Jonathan Thomson - Rewilding

Content warning: Film contains scenes some viewers may find disturbing.

Rewilding is a short film exploring one man’s journey to transform a piece of land, and why rewilding plays a vital part in protecting our planet.

Jonathan Thomson had one goal in mind when he purchased 25 acres of English countryside: to turn back time. His plan, to rewild the land and increase its biodiversity, is increasingly being viewed as a crucial part of the fight against climate change. ...

You can also watch the panel discussion afterwards. There are some common misconceptions about the idea. It's about marginal land, and food production as well. See Permadynamics - A 4 Acre Syntropic Farm and Amazing 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest - An Invitation for Wildness. Marginal land could even include urban wildlife corridors. See Robinson Place Shreveport.

On the connection to nature that you can't really get away from, see The 2011 Tsunami in Japan and CBS 8 San Diego - Today is World Wetlands Day.

There's also a question about how the business model preserves the conservation goals. The covenants are always for a fixed finite term. Somehow these covenants once put in the hands of a private corporation become perpetual. That needs further elaboration before it makes sense to me!

See Underhill Wood Nature Reserve, Rewilding Britain and


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