Sydney Belmarsh Tribunal an Event in Sydney for Julian Assange

Inspired by the Russell-Sartre Tribunals of the Vietnam War, the Belmarsh Tribunal brings together a range of expert witnesses — from lawyers to journalists to parliamentarians, union officials, whistleblowers and human rights defenders — to present evidence of this attack on publishers, to seek justice for the crimes they expose, and to demand the Biden Administration cease this prosecution.

Join us live for the Assange Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney on March 4 at 7pm AEST (8am GMT, 3am EST) when some of Australia's most prominent politicians, lawyers, journalists and victims testify in defence of Julian Assange.

Guests include former Foreign Minister Bob Carr, Jennifer Robinson, Yanis Varoufakis, Stella Assange, David McBride, Kerry O'Brien, Bernard Collaery , Kylie Moore-Gilbert, MEAA director Karen Percy & more. 

Hosted by Mary Kostakidis & Mark Davis.

Organised by Progressive International & Wau Holland foundation. Co-sponsored by the Search Foundation, Jacobin, PEN Sydney, PEN International, Declassified Australia, NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Consortium News & The Walkley Foundation.

The Belmarsh Tribunal will take place in the Great Hall of Sydney University. Up to 400 can attend in person. RSVP here:

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AP Clip of 94 year-old Bertrand Russell talking about his Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal in November 1966 in Caxton Hall, London.

Subscribe to AP.


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