Aaron and Melissa Dykes on How History is Constructed These Days

This was presumably one of their motivating arguments for the study: 

The way to establish public confidence in scientific authority is not to undermine it by pushing bullshit through organizations like the WHO and the US CDC. See the Virality Project final report, if you have the stomach for reading stuff like this. I don't.

See this British Library page: https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/areopagitica-by-john-milton-1644 and this article on censorship by Rachael Jolley: https://www.bl.uk/speaking-out/articles/censorship. Rachael Jolley is the editor-in-chief of Index on Censorship.

I am in a coffee shop and I am not permitted to view the comments on this video because YouTube thinks they contain "adult content" and the people who do the WiFi provision for the coffee shop have turned on Restricted Mode. 

From Google's description:

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See also Mehdi Hassan Interviewing Matt Taibbi on His Twitter Files Testimony in Congress and Jimmy Dore on the Mehdi Hassan Interview With Matt Taibbi.

Same with this video on computer architecture:

See The Shite Guide to What's A Happening? and Matt Regan With A Technique for Designing Complex Programmable TTL Logic.


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