Brian Kernighan on How To Succeed in Language Design Without Really Trying

Talk given at the University of Nottingham in November 2015:

You can get Brian Kernighan's slides here and see also

At 13:43 he presents a blank slide on functional programming languages, ... He mentions type inference though. The next slide is Domain Specific Languages.

The other day I found the notes I wrote for Matthew Parkinson's "Foundations of Functional Programming" course. They were a kind of precursor to this tutorial on Hindley-Milner type inference. I am interested in this idea of Matt Parkinson's to use contexts to define reduction orders in a completely general sense. If the formal characterization I've given in these notes is correct then it should be something one could implement in a general-purpose term-rewriting system like PLT Redex. It's a bit scary how meta the thing gets, but it might be manageable. See Run Your Research: On the Effectiveness of Lightweight Mechanization by Casey Klein, John Clements, Christos Dimoulas, Carl Eastlund, Matthias Felleisen, Matthew Flatt, Jay A. McCarthy, Jon Rafkind, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, and Robert Bruce Findler. A rewriting system is really just a generalization of the pattern-action pattern (21:17).

See also VCF East 2023.

Subscribe to University of Nottingham.

Here's a Lambda World 2019 talk by Matthias Felleisen on Racket programming with languages:

His comment at 3:50 about JavaScript coders not developing in JavaScript is basically what I was saying at the end of this exploration of d3js.

And at 6:04, on non-linear video editors, see these musings of mine on the problem: OBS Studio and Motion Canvas.


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