Maki Kato Talking About Verifiable Credentials at VCF East

April 14, 2023. I remember thinking "That's interesting!" when I first saw this, ...

You might wonder, as I did, what the "sov" in did:sov means:

36:00 "That hard drive and the S100 bus, ..."

43:12 "Question on attestation, ..." I would be interested in a system where one could apply Aumann's Agreement Theorem to the attestors. So the space of subjects becomes a network of attestations. That network would have different aspects that would emerge naturally from the grass-roots consensus that Aumann's theorem proves will emerge. This could be a substitute for election of officials to offices by public vote. Offices and the people who hold them would simply emerge from all the ongoing economic activity. See Stuart Kauffman on which laws of Nature are fundamental below.

See also one of my better weather reports: Ian Grant's Weather Report 7/17/22 and look at what Ian Hubert, Freya Holmér and the people behind OpenSpace seem to have made of it: Commercial: OpenSpace - 3D Imaging Usng only a Mobile Phone and 360° Video Camera and Freya Holmér on The Continuity of Splines. For more on Clifford Algebras, Quadratic forms etc. see Ian Grant's Weather Report July 27, 2022.

Subscribe to Vintage Computing Federation.

See also and

The interesting thing about The Linux Foundation is that Apple don't seem to contribute.

Subscribe to Linux Foundation.

This is an intriguing concrete instantiation of some idea of federated data sources Introduction to Apollo Federation Combine GraphQL APIs into a unified supergraph.

See Stuart Kauffman on Irreducible Systems:

10:00 On how new organisation arises, see the essay Uncommon Finalities by Henri Atlan in William Irwin Thompson's Gaia: A Way of Knowing Moritz Klein Doing Real Greek Lego. This is very uncommon Sci-Fi!

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