Roger Waters After Visiting Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison Two Weeks Ago

There's some "Day X" thing flashing up at the end here!

I spent a few months in low-security prisons in the Unitd States and I can say that as far as Customs and Border Protection and County jails go, there is certainly no guarantee of security, and that there is plenty of slack in the corporate out-sourced prison guard system to really fuck people around if they want to, and without much chance of  them seeing any pushback. The case the British Government and the Courts seem to be making is that Assange is not at risk if he is extradited to the United States. Well that, on the face of it, is complete bullshit! They (the High Court) would need to justify how it is that they actually know that Julian Assange in particular would be safe in a High Security US Prison, and they have not and cannot do that!!

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