
Showing posts from December, 2023

Dennis McKenna - What the Plants Are Telling Us

See also  Professor Peter Elwood - Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence . Subscribe to ICEERS .

Daniel Tubbenhauer and Holly Krieger on The Riemann Hypothesis

See  which gives another equivalent statement in terms of the points in the Farey sequence. See also  Lewis Carroll - Crocodile Story . Subscribe to Visual Math . Here's aother (the Mertens Conjecture ) which, though not equiavlent to it, would have implied the Riemann Hypothesis, but it's false, according to a long complicated (1984) paper by A. M. Odlyzko and H. J. J. te Riele   Subscribe to Numberphile . Katherine Stange on The Real Numbers. See  Caroline Series' (1985) Mathematical Intelligencer article  The geometry of markoff numbers .which you can read for free here: . See also her earlier  Non-euclidean geometry, continued fractions, and ergodic theory .available here: . The origins of continued fraction expansions go back to Ancient Greece and the Eudoxan theory of proprtion describe

Colleen Fazio - Traynor YBA3 Custom Special

See  Colleen Fazio on Bumblebee Capacitors . Subscribe to Fazio Electric . Subscribe to Lynyrd Skynyrd .

The Legend Of The Peace Pipe: Lakota *Told By: Elder Mathew King - 1973

  Also Legend of The White Buffalo Calf Woman : I also posted this on September 1, 2021 and then things gor really weird! That was exactly a year before I left Mexico. Subscribe to Jaguar Bird .

Eric Weinstein on Great Science and Good Science

See  Terence Tao and Richard Feynman and  Sabine Hossenfelder and Steve Mould on Gravitation . and  David Hestenes - Tutorial on Geometric Calculus . Subscribe to Institute of Arts and Ideas .

Daniel Tubbenhauer on p-adic Arithmetic

This is the best, clearest explanation I have ever seen! See this discussion  aboout sqrt 2 being "almost an integer" in 7-adic arithmetic, and Daniel's reply: Try that you can run here Here is some basic code that is hopefully self-contained: R = Zp(7, prec = 10, type = 'fixed-mod', print_mode = 'series') a = R(10390190017) b = R(7346972688) a/b See also  Douglas Hofstadter and Bill Gosper , Bill Gosper's post  Fractal curves at rational points & similarly recursively-defined functions  and his paper on computing with rational approximations: There is a conection with diophantine approximation using continued fractions isn't there? I tried to get an idea of what a nilsequence and the conditions for the local-global principle are from Wikipedia but it is incomprehensible to me. I am wondering whether there a series of primes p_i f

Colleen Fazio on Bumblebee Capacitors

See also  Colleen Fazio on Carbon Composition Resistors and a Premier 71 Amp  and  Sylvia Massy on Show Us Your Junk! Subscribe to Fazio Electric .

Hélène Vogelsinger - M e t a p h y s i c a l A l t e r a t i o n ( 3 / 4 )

From 31 December, 2022: Their documentary is going to be something very special   Subscribe to  Hélène Vogelsinger  and see also

Jean Michel Jarre - Mixed Reality Concert at 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝟒𝟎𝟎

Available until 27th December 2023, 8pm CET Wow, this is really great! I hope I get to see a "Making of" one day to hear how they did this. There is a tracklist too: -0:20 Neon Lips Intro -1:21 Jean-Baptiste Lully - March for Turkish Ceremony (JMJ "Clockwork Orange/Switched-On Bach" rework) -6:14 Oxygene 4 (JMJ "Epica Maxima " Remix) -9:20 Coachella Openning -12:58 Oxygene 2 (AERO Version) -19:37 Equinoxe 4 (AERO Version) -24:54 Equinoxe 7 (JMJ "Exit" Rework) -28:22 Revolution Industrielle 2 (Versailles 400) -31:19 Chronologie 6 (AERO Version) -37:04 The Architect -40:26 Oxygene 19 -43:40 Zero Gravity (Above & Beyond vs JMJ Remix) -48:28 Falling Down -51:56 Stardust Subscribe to Jean Michel Jarre .

John Campbell - Excess Deaths (2022/2023)

Many people aren't suited to modern life, it seems. Subscribe to Dr John Campbell .

Sabine Hossenfelder and Steve Mould on Gravitation

An accelerometer of the kind she refers to works by measuring the variable capacitance of a micro-mechanical spring as it is "stretched by the acceleration applied to it by the thing from which it is suspended," See for example : All accelerometers work on the principle of a mass on a spring, when the thing they are attached to accelerates then the mass wants to remain stationary due to its inertia and therefore the spring is stretched or compressed, creating a force which is detected and corresponds to the applied acceleration. They also seem a bit confused however: MEMS accelerometers are used wherever there is a need to measure linear motion, either movement, shock or vibration but without a fixed reference.  They measure the linear acceleration of whatever they are attached to. Acceleration is measured in m/s -2 , but the convention for accelerometers is in ‘g’, or units of gravity, 1g being 9.81m/s -2 . I am

Jenn Grant's Holiday Special Spectacular From Jenny Town

Subscribe to Jenn Grant .

Sabine Hossenfelder, David Luke and Monica Gagliano on Life on Earth

See  Professor Peter Elwood - Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence  and  Mithuna Yoganathan - I Made A Quantum Computer . Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder . Subscribe to Entheogenesis Australis . Monica Gagliano on the difference between Chess and Pool (Billiards). At  17:46  she describes a mechanism by which plants can learn to associate coincident environmental changes and how their behaviour adapts in response to this. See  Sabine Hossenfelder on Complexity . At 30:46 on open systems and the view of cognition as a property of wholes rather than parts: see  A. Thompson, P. Layzell - Evolution of Robustness in an Electronics Design  amd  Adrian Thompson - An Evolved Circuit, Intrinsic in Silicon, Entwined with Physics (1996) . I think the same situational logic applies to the electronic circuits he studied. Subscribe to Rebel Herbal .

Mithuna Yoganathan - I Made A Quantum Computer

  What can it do? Subscribe to Looking Glass Universe .

Julie Nolke - When The Government Gives You Stuff

Subscribe to Julie Nolke .

David Hestenes - Tutorial on Geometric Calculus

This is a very high-level overview, and not too technical, for the first fifteen minutes at least. It's about the relationship between mathematics and physics and development of scientific ideas. See  V.I. Arnold on Teaching Mathematics , Wikipedia on Invariant theory and  Brian Keating's Lurid Pink Podcast - Did Stephen Wolfram Finally Prove the Second Law of Thermodynamics? At 40:11 he shows how Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics should have been written! See David Hestenes  Gauge Theory Gravity with Geometric Calculus , Lasenby, Doran & Gull (1998[2004])  Gravity, Gauge Theories and Geometric Algebra   and  David Hestenes - New foundations for classical mechanics . Subscribe to  Nomen Nominandum . GAME2020 - 1. Dr. Leo Dorst. Get Real! (new audio!) See  in this context SSE stands for  Streaming SIMD Extensions . See also . Subscribe to BiVector .

Project Gutenberg - Through the Looking Glass

I was thinking about Humpty Dumpty again, ... and I came across this Tate Etc.piece from September 2011  When I use a word... it means just what I choose it to mean . The Project Gutenberg editions of the Alice books are really very good. See  The Project Gutenberg eBook of Through the Looking-Glass : From Chapter V: Wool and Water 4. Alice to Q.’s 5th (shop, river, shop)     4. W. Q. to K. B.’s 8th (leaves egg on shelf) Dodgson's Sketch of Alice in Tears, ... From  Marina Warner's "Curiouser and curiouser" .

Aaron Christophel - Hacking the Battery less NFC E-Paper display from Waveshare + Custom Firmware

From this Hackaday piece by Maya Posch :  The crazy thing is that you could now implement a decent security protocoal on the thing. These devices sell for a little over $70 each: Subscribe to  Aaron Christophel .

Charles Gunn and Steven De Keninck - Siggraph2019 Geometric Algebra

See  and . Here's a nice explanation of the transformations in terms of symmetry groups: Anthony Lasenby on Geometric Algebra in Physics Subscribe to  bivector . See also  Geometric Algebra Course .

Nonabah Sam Curator of Ned Hatathli Museum in Dine' College

See also  Sabine Hossenfelder on Complexity  and  Professor Peter Elwood - Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence . and that's only the beginning!: About tradions and modernity See  Spagoshi - Nonabah Sam, curator for Dine' College's Ned Hatathli Museum in Tsaile, Arizona . Subscribe to Spagoshi .

Sabine Hossenfelder on Complexity

 I only got as far as the first eight minutes, ... My comment : I think one way to structure your argument might be to consider what it is we mean by a mechanism. Mechanisms are typically something we abstract from phenomena, and the mechanisms we see in the world are therefore fundamentally grounded in our knowledge of the way the phenomena are related. Experiments are our attempts to expand and consolidate that knowledge. So for example the Antikythera mechanism is a nice example of a clockwork rock. There are a lot of things about the  Antikythera mechanism that we don't consider relevant to its operation qua mechanism. For example, the composition of the minerals in which it is encrusted. But a really advanced analysis of the encrustacion might actually take into account the knowledge we have about how bronze and other metals corrode in sea water. These are also mechanisms abstracted from experiments in a chemical laboratory. We might even want to include the sort of chemist

Ben Eater Hacking Wozmon to Run on His 6502 Breadboard Computer

This code was in the Apple I and he has ported it to his breadboard 6502 computer in such a way that the original Apple I programming examples still work byte-for byte. See  Ben Eater's 6502 Breadboard Running Steve Wozniak's Apple I Machine Code Monitor Program . Here's the how to: Subscribe to Ben Eater  and see .

N J Wildberger - Sociology and Pure Physics: A skeptical look at the Special Relativity narrative

 See also  The Omega Point and The Phemonena of Man Explained, ... Subscribe to  Insights into Mathematics . It's actually quite hard to find a copy of Frank and Rothe's paper via Google. It's Frank P; Rothe H (1911) Annalen Der Physik 34 (5): 825-855 The transformation of the space-time coordinates of stationary to moving systems. There is one reference to it here:  Nothing but Relativity, Redux by Joel W. Gannett : A previous paper demonstrated that spacetime transformations consistent with the principle of relativity can be derived without assuming explicitly the constancy of the speed of light. Here we correct an error in the earlier paper while showing that this derivation can be done under weaker assumptions, in particular, without an implicit assumption of differentiability or even continuity for the spacetime mapping. Hence, these historic results could have been derived centuries ago, even before the advent of calculus. That is the lens from an optical mouse. Actua

Prof. Shamik Gupta - From Fireflies to Power Grids: The Physics of Spontaneous Synchronization

See Feynamn's "Fun to Imagine" interview ( 22:30 ) in  Terence Tao and Richard Feynman . See also  Kuramoto model  and  Professor Peter Elwood - Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence . Subscribe to  matsciencechannel

Professor Peter Elwood - Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence

He started by looking for the worlds expert on  Salicylic acid  in plants ( 6:50 ). If you search for the prefix "salicyl" you get 69 references in Brian Goodwin 's  Handbook of biotransformations of aromatic  compounds . Many of them are in metabolic pathways of micro-organisms so we should expect them to be active compounds in the gut of animals. See  Anton Petrov - Mindblowing Discoveries About Bacteria Living Inside of Our Guts .  Subscribe to  Cardiff University School of Medicine . Today, before I saw this video, we were pulling up Willow shoots on Stanmore Common. I made this video last night: See  On Plants and Human Consciousness  and See also  Terence Tao and Richard Feynman . For some models of putative mechanisms of morphogenetics in plants see  Dynamics of the Goodwin-Trainor mechanochemical model Acta Biotheoretica 42: 137-146, 1994.  and references therein Goodwin, B.C. and L.E.H. Trainor (1985). Tip and whorl morphogenesis

John Conway: Surreal Numbers - How playing games led to more numbers than anybody ever thought of

See  The Game of Nim  for some necessary backround, without which this brilliant lecture will be utterly incomprehensible! Apparently this was recorded on February 23,  2016. At 45:13 "Numbers are games" See  On Numbers and Games ByJohn H. Conway , also  Game theory ,  Strategy (in game_theory)  and  Randomness . At 51:20 on inductive definition, see  Epsilon induction  and this book: I got here from Chapter I of Halmos' Measure Theory . — eternal Doorman (@IanANGrant66) December 1, 2023 Subscribe to The Department of Mathematics at the University of Toronto public outreach:  It's All About Math . Relaxed discussion about maths anecdotes somewhere: 26:35 Anectdotes about von Neumann and Edward Teller.At 31:00 the origins of Conway's game of Life (von Neumann's idea about colonising other planets with self-replicating machines). His idea of Universal computing is really interesting:  39:20  basically, h

Anton Petrov on Geomagnetic Storms

There are lots of links to other videos in the video description . See also  A Solar Superstorm Struck Earth 150 Years Ago – Now, New Research Reveals That They Are Much More Common Than We Thought : We should be collecting proper data and those same data collection networks should be used to provide backup communications in the event of major failures of centralised systems See this Nature article:  Large regional variability in geomagnetic storm effects in the auroral zone : A digital society is fragile and vulnerable to space-originated electromagnetic disturbances. Global geomagnetic conditions have been actively monitored since the invention of the magnetometer in 1833. However, regional changes in the magnetic environment have been widely left unstudied because of the sparsity of the observing networks. The Scandinavian Magnetometer Array (SMA) was the densest magnetometer network in history, and it was in operation in Fennoscandia during the International Magnetospheric Study (I

Myra West Being Myra West

It's not even her real name, but who cares! On keeping friends, ... Her "21 years old and I have no friends" video. Subscribe to Myra West .

Terence Tao and Richard Feynman

The difference between a mathematician and a physicist: 2:51 on choosing what to study. This sounds like quite a general situational logic in science: if you want to make progress you want to study problems on the boundary of the current understanding of the field, This is the only way you are going to make progress. cf Feynman and Hoyle talking about different approaches to science below ( 22:41 ).  Hoyle was quite happy to be out beyond the frontier. Subscribe to  Simons Foundation . This "Fun to Imagine" interview was recorded on 16mm film at Feynman's home in Altadena, California, in 1983 and first broadcast on BBC2. He gives many, many examples of wave equations and conservation of energy and different ways that physical systems exhibit damping so that oscillations die out over time. At 25:30 he talks about electrostatic forces and our sensation of touch, and at some point he says "If I was made entirely out of electrons, ..." So, if Richard Feynman weig

Movie - Donnie Darko Director's Cut (2001)

Subscribe to Golden 80s Music .

One Trillion Tons of Ice Floating About in The Ocean

If you had been doing the right kind of science for the last decade or so then you could start thinking aboout where to drag this thing to to make the most of the local climate-altering properties it has. Subscribe to Lee Camp .

Geometric Algebra Course

Subscribe to  sudgylacmoe

Nick Cave performing A Rainy Night in Soho at the funeral of Shane MacGowan

Subscribe to The Journal .

Claudia Goldin - 2023 Prize Lecture in Economic Sciences: An Evolving Economic Force

For more detective stories, see  John Campbell - Interview With Pathologist Dr. Clare Craig . Subscribe to  Nobel Prize . Recent interview with Claudia Goldin: See her book  Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey toward Equity . Subscribe tto  unSILOed Podcast .

Richard Feynman Lecture on QED Given in New Zealand in 1979

From The Internet Archive:  QED - Richard Feynman 1979 - Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures, University of Auckland (New Zealand) . 5:20 "I've only been here a few days. Everybody's talking themselves down. I thought this would be a happy country, but ..." Part 3 1:19  "If I explain the theory, are you going to understand it? And the answer is 'No'. ..."  Subscribe to Muon Ray . Also on the Internet Archive: What the ?

John Campbell - Interview With Pathologist Dr. Clare Craig

At 45:15 there is an interesting discussion about problems with the mRNA vaccines. This is the second interview he's done with her. Here's the earlier one that I haven't watched yet: 1:04:15 The Mumps MMR vaccine was very effective against COVID-19. Later on there is a really good discussion about the positive psychological effects of good professional clinicians. More on Mumps at 1:18:00 .  See . The publisher is her own company: Publishing Aloud Ltd and you can buy the book from Amazon:  Expired: Covid the untold story . Subscribe to Dr John Campbell .

Sabine Hossenfelder on A Tiny 10cm 10+ GeV Particle Accelerator

Nobody is quite sure how it works yet, ... Which reminds me: the 2024 Nobel Prize for Physics Lecture is tomorrow morning at 8 AM GMT. Subcribe to Sabine Hossenfelder ,

Julie Nolke - EARLY ACCESS: I had my baby

I don't see the point of early access if you can't share it. ? Wondering how this YouTube/Patreon interface works, ...

Anton Petrov - Mindblowing Discoveries About Bacteria Living Inside of Our Guts

See my comment : Your "And some of them make no sense" prompted me to look again and I found that the English translation of Alexander Luria's "Soviet Marxist Materialist Psychology" text "The Nature of Human Conflicts - or Emotion, Conflict, and Will: An Objective Study of Disorganisation and Control of Human Behaviour. New York: Liveright Publishers, 1932."  is available via G**gle. I have only scanned the first fifteen pages, but it does look like he had a much better idea of the kinds of system that human societies, and therefore human individuals, actually are. On page 15: "But first we should challenge the attempts of the subjective study of the problem before us. Empirical psychology, trying to divine the details of the affective processes through penetrative introspection, gave us an excellent description of the emotional states, but was completely powerless to create any kind of stable basis for the mechanics of affect, and even less for

All About Eve (1988)

Subscribe to Michael Kane .

Primavera Sound Porto 2024

I'm not in the slightest bit interested in this, personally, I'm just trying to do a favour to the people who set up DICE to try to beat the ticket touts. Day tickets are on sale now: Primavera Sound Porto 2024: Parque da Cidade, Porto, Portugal 6 Jun - 8 Jun 2024 .

Nobel Prize in Physics - Light Interaction With Matter

See The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 jointly to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter” There are going to be some lectures on Thursday, I think:  Nobel Prize lectures 2023 Watch the streams from the lectures, starting on 7 December 14:00 CET! Maybe one will be titled "So you think you know what you mean when you talk about the speed of light in water?" The reason I lost interest in physics was the apparent reluctance of physicists to even attempt to define clearly what it was they thought they were talking about. See  The Omega Point and The Phemonena of Man Explained, ...

The Omega Point and The Phemonena of Man Explained, ...

These women have it all sorted out, ... My comment : Wow, that's probably the best 2 minutes 19 seconds of life [I] will ever have! Thank You!!! 😂❤💓💞 If you're viewing this on a PC without colour UTF8 (?!) that black heart was supposed to be red: On the Android app, the reply doesn't show: Pity: Subscribe to  Elle Cordova . Richard Feynman is said to have said something like "Scientists need philosophers of science like birds need ornithologists" but that is disputable. Maybe it was Steven Weinberg:  Quote Origin: The Philosophy of Science Is As Useful To Scientists As Ornithology Is To Birds . He is also known for having said "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." (see  this skeptics.stackexchange discussion  for references). Hence my comment in the video description: The moral being, I think, that it's good to understand an argument, but understanding an argument doesn't necessarily mean you understand the phe

Adventures in Code Land

Today I was looking up René Rebe's livestream last night on the madness of the way we develop software like it's still the '70s. He was talking about kernel/desktop developer community interactions, I think. I need to look again, ... but I looked up his home page and found is other channel , There I found this: It's about how the FSF handled  (Posted October 3, last updated November 6, 2023): from : The GNU C Library's dynamic loader "find[s] and load[s] the shared objects (shared libraries) needed by a program, prepare[s] the program to run, and then run[s] it" (man The dynamic loader is extremely security sensitive, because its code runs with elevated privileges when a local user executes a set-user-ID program, a set-group-ID program, or a program with capabilities. Historically,