N J Wildberger - Sociology and Pure Physics: A skeptical look at the Special Relativity narrative

 See also The Omega Point and The Phemonena of Man Explained, ...

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It's actually quite hard to find a copy of Frank and Rothe's paper via Google. It's Frank P; Rothe H (1911) Annalen Der Physik 34 (5): 825-855 The transformation of the space-time coordinates of stationary to moving systems. There is one reference to it here: Nothing but Relativity, Redux by Joel W. Gannett:

A previous paper demonstrated that spacetime transformations consistent with the principle of relativity can be derived without assuming explicitly the constancy of the speed of light. Here we correct an error in the earlier paper while showing that this derivation can be done under weaker assumptions, in particular, without an implicit assumption of differentiability or even continuity for the spacetime mapping. Hence, these historic results could have been derived centuries ago, even before the advent of calculus.

That is the lens from an optical mouse. Actually I'm not sure these cameras do look at interference fringes. I am not even sure the LEDs are monochromatic, ...

See Prof. Shamik Gupta - From Fireflies to Power Grids: The Physics of Spontaneous Synchronization.


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