I'm Drowning in My Own Sh*t Here

I am trying to resurrect my work I did in Bolivia on using Standard ML to dynamically specify and compile its own basis library functions. Part of this involves 15,000 lines of auto-generated code. I was reading David MacQueen's story about Luca Cardelli and the Early Evolution of ML where he writes "Luca called his compiler versions “Poses” adopting a terminology from dance."

I wish I had kept a copy of an e-mail I once sent, about twenty years ago now, to the FOM list replying to John McCarthy's post about communicating with extra-terrestrial aliens using mathematics. It was about abstract representations of mathematics, and what we could reasonably expect the aliens to understand about our mathematics (see Sci-Movie Movie - UFO (2018)). I thought it would look like a wild dance, the sort of thing you'd see if an alien landed on your lawn and did a wild dance in front of you. Martin Davis (whose parents were from Łódź, Poland, I have just discovered) rejected it on account of not having sufficient "foundational content". Well, we're still working that, Martin! See Numberphile - Sophie Maclean on the Catalan Numbers.

Inland Empire - A Little Boy Went Out to Play, ...

Subscribe to vanzetti.

It's supposed to make perfect sense. David Lynch in 2006:

I can explain the Rabbit in pink doing the ironing, ... I don't know whether that man from the Daily Telegraph is still interested though.

Subscribe to Matteo Carnio.

Norman Wildberger jamming maths, ...

Subscribe to Insights in Mathematics.

Now let's work out how we can explain this Unified Conscious Field of David Lynch's to physicists! See Norman Wildberger - How Physicists do Maths, and Ice.

Subscribe to Abide by Reason.

Here's another description with some context for physical intuition:

Subscribe to udiprod.


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