Learning Standard ML

I am having to learn this again, because I've forgotten so much of it. Here are some resources:

If you want to try some simple programs in a web browser without having to install anything on your computer, see the amazing SOSML which is here: https://sosml.org/.

Moscow ML is still in business: https://mosml.org/. The easiest way to get a half-comfortable local development environment is still GNU emacs with the SML-Mode package: type M-x package-install RET sml-mode RET now if only I knew how to turn off the stupid indenting minor-mode which keeps changing what I type, ... I mean, the shit it adds is not even half-right! [Update: Options > Customize Emacs > Specific Options ... and choose electric-indent-mode and switch it off!]

See The Category Theoretic Understanding of Universal Algebra: Lawvere Theories and Monads by Martin Hyland and John Power (2007) and Combining Algebraic Effects with Continuations by J. M. E. Hyland, P. B. Levy, Gordon Plotkin and A. J. Power.
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