Daniel Tubbenhauer on Mahler's Theorem

This is an almost mechanical way to prove that certain types of recursively defined functions generate transcendental numbers. See Toby: "Locked in a school bus until I learn what fractals are" where I suggested that it would be interesting to consider the sets generated by Edmund Landau's 1934 Riemann Hypothesis equivalent in Daniel Tubbenhauer and Holly Krieger on The Riemann Hypothesis.

See Farey sequence and also Bill Gosper's Dragon Curves, which are related to this sequence: Bill Gosper, Continued Fractions and The Dragon Curve

I think what we are showing here is how much more fun, and how much easier it is to understand mathematics when you talk with one another, without holding on to all your really good ideas until you have time to mine them for your own personal glory, because there are so many ideas out there that nobody will ever have time to exploit more than just a few of them, unless we start building mathematics in a sane, logically sound manner so that we can understand better the real relations between the different concepts that emerge through this process. We are not only in a post-scarcity world materially and energetically, but intellectually as well. Wake up people!

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