The Farce Must Go On

I was thinking about how someone from Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the UK could attempt to get asylum in a country like Switzerland or Costa Rica or Mexico(?!). It is a pretty fucking miserable thing to try to do on your own, but I reckon with some support it would be OK. Even the US process would be OK with a lawyer and visitors. The thing is how do the people supporting your application protect themselves from retributions? Well, any such retributions would be downright unlawful, wouldn't they? Or am I being naïve? I am very naïve. See Rumors of Suicide of a Senior British Military Intelligence Officer and Whistleblower Protection Act.

At 3:12 the subtitle should read "UK Intelligence Officers", not "UN Intelligence Officers". A UN Intelligence Service would be an interesting idea.

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A big part of this was also me trying to make sense of PJ Harvey's advice for parents. I have tiny fragments of childhood memories like this. I doubt my daughter has any at all. The moral is choose your parents carefully.


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