Yoko Ono - Happy Earth Day


There are so many of us in the world who are now awakened, ready to act to save our world.

So let’s work together to save this planet. 


That’s how we will change the world.

We change, and the world changes.

Have trust in what you can do.

Have trust in how fast we can change our world for the better.


Because we have to.

Believe that we are one and together we will make it.

Love is what connects all lives on Earth.

love, yoko Y.O. 2021

During the 2021 lockdown, Sage Gateshead (now The Glasshouse International Centre for Music) commissioned four stellar international artists, Anohni and Yoko Ono, John Grant, Moor Mother and Tune-Yards, to each create a new music film reflecting their experience of the climate crisis and pandemic. Release of the new music films coincided with COP26, the annual United Nations global summit to tackle climate change.


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