Louis Rossmann With Advice for Hackers, ...

When you hack someone's account, don't do anything except regularly download all their Google takeout data, ... and then, if they're someone like me, you can completely destroy their life, unless they already deliberately did that themselves a la Forrest Gump's self-defense strategy. But seriously, the whole Android stack is one of the most retarded things I've ever used. It's like a bad 4th grade computer project.

Google gboard is great with Google apps, but if you try to use it with, say, https://maps.me, then it is so slow that it is practically useless. There is a 500ms or so delay between your pressing a key and it getting into the maps.me text field.

See my comments on Futo keyboard here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JIEsUpibKnQmGGG0YQQluPk0UEcmOFPJfW-Ge4vv87E/edit?usp=drivesdk (executive summary: it may be alpha, but it's already preferable to Google gboard!)

Try Futo keyboard at https://keyboard.futo.org/

Subscribe to Futo.

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