Angela Collier - Who Gets The Nobel Prize?

This is an outline for a screenplay about how much more civilized science is now, compared to how it was in the roaring twenties:

Read The Discovery of Insulin by Michael Bliss. But was it discovered? It sounds to me more like it was invented. Chewing coca leaves must have an effect on Diabetes, but the insulin industry is such a big profit-centre that I think nobody is interested in trying to find out what reverting to chewing leaves does to somebody's metabolism. See Islets of Langerhans in Science Direct.

The short-list of Nobel Laureates at the end is worth careful scrutiny. I reckon our Dave would be great as the guy whose only job was going around at night collecting the dogs. And there are dog-roles by the score in this movie.

Subscribe to Angela Collier (Astrophysicist) who still hasn't learned to use a functional programming language. The books are just a bit too coarse: see Standard ML for The Lady Programmer.

I sure we could do better than this! See David Lynch's Weather Report December 18, 2020. David is dying. He has emphysema and can't leave his house, but he is able to direct from home.

Subscribe to Lauren Nicole.

The Fleetwoods - Come Softly to Me (1958)

See Juan Browne - Calling Today From Tomorrow Promising Yesterday's News October 25, 2021. Maybe Guy Ritchie would be interested in co-directing this? He has his own airfield somewhere down in the South of England.

Lana Del Rey - The Next Best American Record

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.


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