Jane Street Capital

They are sponsoring Numberphile, Computerphile, and now also Steve Mould and Matt Parker (see Matt Parker and Steve Mould Doing Geodesy at Greenwich and Hannah Fry on Disinformation for The Public Good for the relevance): Here's Steve talking about Group Action, I thought, but maybe that has nothing to do with it? Who knows? I thought maybe Nathan Dalaklis, who has been studying Conformal Graph Directed Markov Systems which are structures which attach probability distributions to the edge incidence matrix of labelled directed graphs and thereby allow one to study the back-propagation of influence through an iterated function system, I haven't read that paper yet, see Terence Tao on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence for my excuse.

Matt Parker on Jigsaw Puzzles With Two Solutions:

Here's a recruitment thing Jane Street Capital did:

Here are some interns, one from Jane Street, talking about quantitative trading:

Subscribe to LinTech.

Here is a VPRO documentary on Quantitative Trading and the bigger picture:

There's another reason why network latency might have been an issue back in 2015. See  Ben Eater Hacking Flow Control on his Breadboard 6502. I was talking about this to myself yesterday:

 Here's Jim Simons talking about his career:

Subscribe to The Abel Prize.

Then I watched Volker Kirk talking about human rights, up to the point where he talked about decent work for decent pay at around 12:10 then I lost interest.

Subscribe to UN Human Rights Council.

See Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Wild God.

When I was in Bolivia I at one point thought that if I had to go back to the UK I could always try to get a job teaching Functional Programming at Jane Street, because they are one of the few companies who use functional programming languages for their business. They have a Creative Engagement team!

And they even hack the compilers!

Subscribe to Jane Street.

See Resource pricing and the evolution of congestion control by Richard Gibbens and Frank Kelly (1999). The magazine was entitled Asymptopia! See the Owner's Manual for details of Claudio Russo's Higher Order Functors in Moscow ML. Also see David Macqueen's A Semantics for Higher-order Functors (1997). So I was wrong, this can all be done without any issues! See Higher-order modules and the phase distinction by Harper, Mitchell and Moggi.

The crucial step is introducing a compile-time/run-time phase distinction. That research was funded by the US Navy/DARPA, the NSF and the Austrian Science Fund ESPRIT project. It's based on something called the Grothendiek construction. The fundamental thing is Eugenio Moggi's A category-theoretic account of program modules (1994) (Also ESPRIT funded). See Amanda Gefter and Curt Jaimungal Talk Physics and Philosophy and Hannah Fry on Disinformation for The Public Good.

After I got back I sent these photos to Polly Samson and mentioned Theatre for Dreamers and Featherhood.



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