Sabine Hossenfelder Talking About AI

She doesn't mention that she already talked about how AIs rule Academia: Publish or Perish in Court, and even more weirdly, she doesn't mention the insurance "industry"! [Correction. She does mention AIs in Academia, just before she talks about the f-witted idea of a Hydrogen economy!] But then she goes on to do a promotional spot for Incogni! So Sabine, do you really think that the Hydrogen economy idea is more f-witted than the War Economy? That's what a war economy is: you make money selling weapons on the one hand and creating new profit centres around the "defence industry" and "building back" the place you just bombed the crap out of, killing millions of people in the process. See  The Future With Hannahs Fry, Arendt and Reid Meet Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts and Low Level/Linus Tech Tips/Veritasium - This Week's Finds in Computer Security.

Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder.

Botty McBotface was hanging out with the Kids in America last night, and they renamed him The Meterbot, and, ... 

 Subscribe to Emily Hopkins.

... well I don't know how that's going to go, but if she's happy:

Subscribe to Hannah Lee Duggan.

But then you get this dark stuff coming up from nowhere about the Kids in America ...

... and the Youth in Asia:

Subscribe to Kim Wilde.

And it just comes out of nowhere darker than suburbia:

Subscribe to Top 2000 a gogo.

And Town Planning:

Subscribe to Rush.

Makes you want to see some accountability. I think somebody is filming today at Vauxhall Bridge. Did you have a script or a screenplay for this?

Aurora on her music and the environment and the ugly things in the world:

Subscribe to 3 voor 12.

Here's a documentary about Sunni Holden, a musician who lives on the Gold Coast in Australia. I stopped watching when he described the adrenaline rush that musicians feel. I'm not a musician! But I think I have felt that about computer programs, and about mathematics.

Subscribe to Primitive Planet Films


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