Sabine Hossenfelder on Physics Funding in Academia

Her app is here:

See Loop Quantum Gravity which sounds to me a bit like Twistor Theory but trying to make the Twistors the actual fabric of the Universe, rather than a way of describing what we observe when we make experiments. Sabine and I are caught up in something horribly big:

Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder and Dust.

Even Roger Penrose is up against it, and he got to lecture at Cambridge, once back in 1999 and last week, but he said he got a very cool reception. See Curt Jaimungal Talking With Roger Penrose.

34:37 Cool to see a diagram of first cohomology.

41:16 Those damned generating functions again! 45:52 Why don't people just call them what they are: formal coincidents. They are the same class of mathematical objects as Umbral Calculus and Bernoulli Umbra.  See also Edward Frenkel's magic calculator in Peter Voit and Edward Frenkel on Unification in Physics and Mathematics.

46:42 Maybe Joan Lazenby could explain 5D Conformal Projective GA to him? That might help. This gets us back to old-school physics die-hards who don't want to learn new notation. They say things like "I would be rather sceptical of the Hestenes book as rather doubt it contains anything essentially new." (I just cut and pasted that from the reply I got to an e-mail I sent mentioning Hestenes' really interesting book New Foundations for Classical Mechanics, and the author of the email was in the audience at Penrose's talk!)

50:26 He has a new idea, only two weeks old: resurrect this formula at the bottom:


1:05:22 About not thinking that Twistor Theory had anything to do with General Relativity, because it was based on conformally flat space-time. See  Sabine Hossenfelder and Steve Mould on Gravitation, in particular to the paper Lasenby, Doran & Gull (1998[2004]) Gravity, Gauge Theories and Geometric Algebra:

A new gauge theory of gravity is presented. The theory is constructed in a flat background spacetime and employs gauge fields to ensure that all relations between physical quantities are independent of the positions and orientations of the matter fields. In this manner all properties of the background spacetime are removed from physics, and what remains are a set of `intrinsic' relations between physical fields.

Subscribe to The Isaac Newton Institute.

Here's his talk at IAI after he got the Nobel Prize:

There are Googly problems everywhere! Neil Turok solved one with a see-saw mechanism. It's childs-play, what's the problem here? See  Neil Turok on Lambda CDM and Peter Voit and Edward Frenkel on Unification in Physics and Mathematics.

Subscribe to The Institute of Arts and Ideas.

See  Leo Dorst and Daniel Fontijne - An Algebraic Foundation for Object-Oriented Euclidean Geometry

Long dark night, ... actually it's 1:40 AM and I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Long dark night (Wild God Tour 2024 - Berlin Uber Arena)

Subscribe to Vespapa and Mama.


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