Angela Collier, Anne L'Huillier and Jacob Barandes on Physics

Angela has done two really great videos in the past week or so:

See Anne L'Huillier's Nobel Prize talk last year, and note the bit at the end about the time-delayed transitions from different shells:

Then the day before yesterday Angela came up with this one about the sorts of physics problems that students learn to solve, and abstracted five Common Notions:

So, instead of revealing unity in the fundamental laws of Nature modern physics is unfolding this enormous complexity in our different ways of describing Her. There might be a reason for this, ...

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And I am one and a half hours through this really interesting interview Curt Jaimungal did with Jacob Barandes about his connection between non-Markovian stochastic processes and Quantum Mechanics. He just took a naïve approach and modeled a fundamentally stochastic measurement process which he found was non-Markovian in the sense that the transition distributions between states were not constant, but varied with the internal dynamics of the system. But this dynamical variation turned out to produce "memories" in the evolution of the state-transition distribution and these correspond to what are termed measurements in Quantum Mechanics. So it sounds to me like he has a model of space-time as a partial order of events, and that this ought to work well with the ideas of enactive cognition that Karl Friston talks about. See  Why I Don't Think Reductionism Should Be Part of the Physics "Package", and also Mithuna Yoganathan - Quantum Mechanics Course (and Vandana Shiva on Quantum Thinking) and Mithuna Yoganathan on The True Meaning of Schrodinger's Cat.

See Barandes' paper New Prospects for a Causally Local Formulation of Quantum Theory.

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Here's Sabine Hossenfelder getting mystical about it:

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