Toby on The Taylor Swift Exam Questions Everyone's Talking About

Well, I guess I am talking about them now too, but I only heard about them five minutes ago!!

Toby's meditation videos are really great.  If you sign up to her Patreon she might send you stickers too! See

Subscribe to Tibees.

It's a really beautiful song. The album was Produced with Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner:


Subscribe to Taylor Swift.

Toby's meditation on minds like waves on strings is really interesting. Today I was thinking about these videos I found which were what I studied when I did the The Open University's course on Quantum Mechanics. They're really good. I was thinking about how wave-particle duality showed up in physics just when we started investigating the physics of the actual experimental apparatus we were using to do that investigation. Is it such a surprise that shit suddenly got weird? I suppose no more weird than when we started formalising mathematics in mathematics, which, surprise, surprise, surprise, we did around the same time! See Emily Riehl Doing Stratospheric Category Theory and  Foundations of Physics and Mathematics.


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