Julian Barbour - Complexity as Time

See  Foundations of Physics and Mathematics.

Subscribe to Oxford Philosophy of Physics.

Now look how  "mainstream cosmology" approaches these things:

Subscribe to Kurzgesagt.

Sabine did a critique of this:

At 5:43 "If you went that way (←) for billions of years you could arrive back where you started from that way (→)!" And if the Universe is rotating, then according to Einstein and Gödel you could arrive back before you left, and then how would you know where you started?

See the Wikipedia page Pseudo-Riemannian manifold.

Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder.

Here's Jade's video: Jade on The Shape of Space

And here's her video on the thermodynamic arrow of time:

... and here's her video on the importance of context when you make a mathematical statement:

The thing is that time has passed when the computer discovers the next potential Berry's number. That moment was a tick (or a tock) on God's clock. See Jade on Time and Information.

Subscribe to Up And Atom.

The Math Sorceror reviewed Lindgren's Vector Calculus yesterday:

I think Norman Wildberger would want you to prove that if the limits of the coefficients exist then the limit of the vector exists. It's not obvious to me, because i, j and k could be any orthonormal vectors in a space of any number of dimensions.

In Quantum Mecanics this becomes A Thing, because the states of Quantum systems are represented by vectors in a projective Hilbert space and the outcomes of measurements are expressed in terms of expectation values of probability distributions derived from probability density functions, the dynamics of which are determined by the theory. But measurements are done by actual macroscopic systems composed, one assumes, of more fundamental Quantum subsystems. So the vectors in terms of which Quantum states are described at the most fundamental level are in fact themselves expressed as vectors in far, far higher dimensional systems.

See Emily Riehl's talk in Daniel Tubbenhauer With A Plan: Become an AI and Eradicate Human Beings From Mathematics and Daniel Tubbenhauer's Algebraic Geometry Syllabus.

See https://mathsorcerer.com.

Subscribe to The Math Sorceror.

Gabriele Carcassi on infinite-dimensional spaces in quantum mechanics:

Subscribe to Gabriele Carcassi.

16:55 A student asks about Γ which is the type context of a judgement. Her reply is interesting. She knows what Gamma is, of course, but not what the student is talking about!

36:49 I have a feeling that Gödel's FIT will turn out to be one of those proofs that goes the wrong way around a hole, like xzr^{-1}:

See Emily Riehl Doing Stratospheric Category Theory and Another Excellent Talk on HoTT by Steve Awodey.

Subscribe to Emily Riehl.

And this was posted by Anton two days ago:

Subscribe to Anton Petrov.

Now I have to post this too:

Subscribe to Dr Becky.


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