Philip Wadler - Propositions as Types

This is a really great talk, given at Strange Loop in 2015.

He comes back to this slide several times in the questions, and mentions linear logic and category theory. One question is about probability and proofs:

Then he did a talk on applications of this and Gentzen's idea of the subformula property to embeddings of domain specific languages:

Three years later he did a Part 2 of the talk on Propositions s Types:

Apparently there is a blockchain contract language called Plutus, developed by IOHK that is based on . See  System F in Agda, for fun and profit. See John Searle on Realism for more on status representations and top-down causality (21:46). See also this curious observation about System-T with an infinite reduction relation described in Proofs and Types.


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Valeria de Paiva on Gödel's Dialectica Interpretation of PA in Heyting Arithmetic in System-T (see the final line in Wadler's slide above):

Subscribe to Topos Institute.

Sabine Hossenfelder on an idea of Nicolas Gisin concerning Intuitionistic logic and quantum mechanics:

Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder.

See The open past in an indeterministic physics by Flavio Del Santo, Nicolas Gisin.

Subscribe to Thing in Itself.

Subscribe to EJ Falconi.


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