Ben Krasnow on How To Make An Expensive Microscope Work As Well As A Really, Really Expensive One

2:03 On using cheap microscopes:  you would need to be able to deconvolve the images with the point spread function characterising the aberration of the objective lens. That would probably be a difficult thing to do.

See this Nature article Wide-field, high-resolution Fourier ptychographic microscopy (paywalled) or try the Russian Sci-hub if your ISP hasn't blacklisted the server.  See also Multiplexed coded illumination for Fourier Ptychography with an LED array microscope and Quantitative phase imaging via Fourier ptychographic microscopy.

Subscribe to Applied Science.

I wonder whether you could use a technique like this for processing data from Ground Penetrating Radar? I guess not because the medium you're imaging through is highly non-uniform:

 Subscribe to Space Mog.


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